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Specializing in minimalist fiction and creative non-fiction


Flash Fiction

Stories in Verse

Stray Bullet

Semi-bad Cop

Cold Vengeance

The Road to Crime


Time Served

The Wine of Clarity

Twinkies and a Glass Eye

The Saigon–-Mark Sashine and J.J. Counsilman

A Death Forgotten

Indelible Memories of Murder

Stories in Free Verse

The Crimes of Sisyphus, or How to Survive Prison

An Ode to Aaron


The Memories of Killers

Song Poems

Satan’s Blues

You Look So Good

A Woman So Blue

Frankie and Johnny, Updated

The Coffee Ring–-Cole Violette

Broken Woman Blues–-John Way and J.J. Counsilman

Nothing and Everything But the Blues

Some Recorded Coffee Songs

Famous Murder Ballads

The Ballad of Reading Gaol—Oscar Wilde (1898)

The Shooting of Dan McGrew—Robert W. Service (1907)

Streets of Laredo—Frank H. Maynard (1910)

Stagolee–-early versions (1911)

Reviews of Selected American Crime Classics in Verse

Red Harvest–-Dashiell Hammett (1929)

The Postman Always Rings Twice–-James M. Cain (1934)

The Big Sleep–-Raymond Chandler (1939)

I, The Jury–-Mickey Spillane (1947)

Short Stories in Prose

Black, White, and Blues

Death by Ristretto—T. Campbell

Almost Identical Twins

The Ignorant Gene: With Apologies to Richard Dawkins

His Conscience Was Eaten by a Dog

The Drug of Choice


Crime With My Coffee provides busy coffee drinkers with pieces of mischief and mayhem while they sip their joe. The accent is on variety and brevity. Presented are:

Most pieces can be read in a few minutes. The prose stories are included for the coffee drinker with more time than a coffee break.

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